Native to Costa Rica and Panama
Edited 19 August 2008
This little-known species has also been cultivated and in commerce as Sobralia bouchei, "Bouche's Sobralia." The Kew Monocot List now recognizes Sobralia wilsoniana as the correct name, as it was published in 1890, pre-dating the publication of Sobralia bouchei in 1930.
Photo above, left, by Dave Hunt.
This is one of about 36 identified species of sobralias found in Panama.
See the webpage on Panamanian Sobralias,
In 1895, the hybrid Sobralia Amesiae was registered with the RHS as a cross of wilsoniana x xantholeuca.
See the webpage on Sobralia hybrids,
Seeds (greenpod) of this species were at one time available from the Arenal Botanical Gardens, Costa Rica, through Exotic Seeds website [Item S199; $25]
Arenal Botanical Gardens; PO Box 1; Nuevo Arenal; Tilaran, Guanacaste; Costa Rica
Robert L. Dressler and Diego Bogarin C. (September 2007) "Two attractive new species of Sobralia from Panama," in: Orchids, magazine of the Amer. Orch. Soc., 76(9): 696-701.
[New: Sob. fuzukiae, mireyae. Mentioned with regard to Sob. fuzukiae: Sob. candida, lancea, pardalina, quinata, leucoxantha, nutans. Mentioned with regard to Sob. mireyae: Sob. macrophylla, leucoxantha, citrea, kerryae, kruskayae, theobromina, bouchei, wilsoniana]
International Plant Names Index [IPNI],
Katia Silvera (email), Louis S. Santiago, and Klaus Winter (27 May 2005) "Distribution of crassulacean acid metabolism in orchids of Panama: evidence of selection for weak and strong modes," in: Functional Plant Biology 32(5), pp. 397–407.
Link to abstract;
This paper originates from a presentation at the IVth International Congress on Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, Tahoe City, California, July–August 2004.
Catalogued in the Harvard University Herbarium (as of 10 April 2003), Index of Botanical Specimens.